Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Five Top Sources of News and Information

 As a political science major, understanding current events is something that is necessary for my future career and my academic pursuits. Every morning while I workout, I peruse these different sources for my daily dose of news and events.

1. The Wall Street Journal

    This my favorite news and information source. Though it requires a hefty subscription fee, I find The Wall Street Journal to provide the most benefits and most insightful look at politics, the Stockmarket, and opinion pieces. Each morning I get an email with the day's top stories with brief summaries of each article and it allows for me to understand what is happening inn the world while not be inundated with thousands of stories that are not relatively important. I recommend the journal because it is a moderately conservative news source that provides an unbiased- in comparison to other media outlets- look into news. The Wall Street Journal reports news stories while highlighting the occasional opinion piece. 


2. The New York Times

    The New York Times is my liberal counterbalance to The Wall Street Journal. For me, The New York Times offers more opinionated articles that will allow me to understand the way of thinking of the American left. Like The Wall Street Journal, each morning I get an email with the editor's picks that summarizes the day's top news stories. This allows me to sift through the news and pick out stories that most interest me. I like The New York Times because of how universal it is. I can read a story in the morning and by the afternoon, odds are, I will have talked to a friend who read the same story and walked away with a different perspective than I did. To me, this is what media is about; presenting information, often times new information, and allowing people to walk away with their own interpretations.


3. Fox News

    Fox News is my nightly news source. Yes, I understand many of Fox News' broadcasts are opinions shows (think Sean Hannity) but they also have 'Special Report' with Bret Baier and 'Fox News Tonight' with Shannon Bream provide a look at the day's breaking news. Many of Fox News' opinion shows are leading cable news ratings because they offer a conservative look on policy and news compared to their more liberal competition at organizations like ABC and CNN. I watch Fox News at night because, as a conservative political science major, it helps me articulate my own arguments while allowing for me to get new perspectives as well. 

4. Twitter

    I know, I know, social media is not the best place to get your news because it creates echo chambers and one sided rhetoric. I don't use Facebook that much so for me, Twitter is where I find all of my news. They are going down a very dangerous road by censuring the President of the United States, but they do allow for news organizations from around the world the ability to broadcast their stories. For me, Twitter is the melting pot that brings me news stories that I normally would not see or even think I would find interesting. Their trending topics often times include many sources spread across news platforms which allows for the ability to broaden my scope for news. I don't use Twitter as a source of news stories, per se  but I use Twitter as a source for news sources.

5. Newsweek Magazine

    Newsweek, for me, is what my parents read. When I am at home during breaks, my father references articles from Newsweek. This magazine is catered to older generations and is a more conservative source of opinion articles and information. While Newsweek tends to align more conservative politically, Newsweek published research articles and opinion pieces from individuals on both sides of the aisle. A more research based source, Newsweek tends to be for individuals with a hobby of politics, not simply a passion for certain issues. I use this source as a bond between my parents and I because they prefer intellectual conservations on political issues rather than opinionated rhetoric- as do I.

As a political science major, I look for news sources that will broaden my perspective while at the same time allowing me to sharpen my own arguments. Unlike journalism or strat. comm. majors, I am looking for politically driven and motivated sources. This is not necessarily the best way to understand pressing political issues, but this has allowed me to articulate my point of view in a way that many people may find convincing.

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