Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Personal Computer

     Before computers or typewriter, man has always sought better ways to gather information and put that information to paper. Post war America in 1946 ushered in an era of unprecedented economic growth, technological innovation, and child births. The first personal computer, or PC, was released in 1946 but used only by government agencies and universities. They were basically big calculators the size of a bedroom.

    Not much innovation happened between 1946 and the late 1970s. The microchip was invented which allowed the PC to be more compact and more useful for the regular Joe. It was not until the late 1970s that two young bucks would revolutionize the PC and take America and our pocketbooks siege. Those men were Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.

    In 1977, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs invented the Apple PC. They revolutionized the way we use computers. By adding a unique operating system and screen to their product, they ushered in the era of technology that would eventually consume every aspect of our lives from leisure to work. Today, the Apple PC, renamed the MacBook, is one of the best selling personal computers on the market and continue to be the laptop of choice for college students worldwide.

    Since 1977, the personal computer has seen many more advancements. From the personal laptop to the touch screen computers, in just 40 short years, the personal computer has become one of the most widely used pieces of technology in world history. With hybrid tablets to the personal cellphone, will the personal computer become obsolete?

    Today, even as we look at our own classroom, the personal computer has taken hostage of our lives. Whether we are doing homework, taking notes, texting during class, or watching Netflix when we should be writing a paper, the personal computer has become the centerpiece of our lives. The computer has become so advanced, it is hard to imagine what it will look like 10, 20, 30 years from now. 

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